User Manual


The songs menu settings is used to change the appearance and function of the Songs Menu and has the following settings:


These settings determine how the menu appears.

  • Menu Width allows you to change the width of the menus to be wider. Tap on this to select sizes between 240 and 600 pts. Default is 320pt.
  • Large Section Indexes allows the indexes that appear on the right side of long lists to appear in a larger font. This may limited the number of indexes that can be viewed, but makes them easier to tap.


This section defines what happens when a song is selected in the songs menu.

  • Automatically Load Set is used to determine if the selected set should be immediately loaded into the song viewer. Default is yes, but if disabled, you will need to tap on a song to view in the set in order to load it.
  • View Selected Songs As handles how songs are loaded in the song viewer. By default, the entire Collection of songs in the songs menu is loaded in the viewer with the selected song being viewable. This lets you flip through the songs in the list. You can also change this to Single Song which then only loads the selected song in the viewer when not viewing a set.


This section contains general settings that apply to books.

  • Separate Styles configures the default behavior of books. When turned on, songs added to a books retain their preferences and settings specific to the book. For instance, you can set the key of a song in a book when playing with a specific vocalist and not effect the key of the song in your master library or other books.


The following options change how OnSong sorts content for other languages.

  • Collate Accented Characters replaces the collation algorithm when sorting results in lists to place accented characters alongside non-accented characters. This is enabled by default for non-English languages and can be turned off if there is a perceived performance issues on large libraries.
  • International Characters Last will place any songs that begin with an international character such as Ãœ or Ã… to be placed last in the list of songs. If turned off, the songs are sorted next to their non-accented cousins. Default is off.

List Settings

The following options are available for changing the way songs are listed.

  • Articles to Remove allows you to customize the articles to remove when sorting songs. For instance, to remove A, An and The, type them separated by a space here.
  • Automatically Hide Songs Menu is used to hide the songs menu as soon as a song or set has been selected.
  • Prevent Deletions is used to prevent users from accidentally deleting songs from their list. This removes the slide to delete method and requires you to tap on the Edit button to perform a deletion.
  • Remove Articles when Sorting is used to sort songs that start with the word "The" or other articles using the next word in their name. For instance, "The Reckoning" would be placed next to "Return to Narnia" in a song list.
  • Remove Description Text will omit the second line of each row that contains the artist name and key.
  • Show Media Assignments allows any song in the songs menu that has a backing track explicitly link to show an icon indicating the link.


This section allows you to configure how the multiselect feature works in the songs menu.

  • Preview While Selecting determines if you can view songs while selecting them to perform actions.

This section contains settings that effect how the songs menu tabs behave.

  • Automatically Select will automatically select the highlighted row in a list menu after a certain amount of time expires. This can be set to Off, 1/2 second, or between 1 and 5 seconds. The default setting is 2 seconds. If set to Off, you must perform the Select action to select the highlighted row.
  • Double Tap To Root will reenable an iOS feature that has caused confusion for some users. With this enabled, tapping on a tab when it's already active will display the first page of the navigation control. This default behavior has been changed in OnSong to avoid confusion. Turn this option on to reestablish the default iOS behavior if desired.


The sets section is used to change how the Sets tab of the Songs Menu operates. Options include:

  • Auto-Archive Sets allows sets to automatically be moved to the Archived tab. This reduces clutter and improves performance. The first time that archivable sets are encountered in the tab, you are asked what preferences to use. You can change this to one of the listed time frames from 1 day to 3 months.
  • Display Timing will the timing of your set to the right side of each song depending on the option selected. Off is default and no timing is displayed, Songs displays the duration of each song, and Set will display the cumulative duration of the set, adding the previous song's duration through the list.
  • Display Song Order is used to place a number next to the songs in a set. Default is off.
  • Separate Styles configures the default behavior of sets. When turned on, songs added to a set save their preferences and settings to the set. For instance, you can transpose a song within a set and not effect the key of the song in your master library.
  • Set Picking Mode allows you to choose between two styles of picking songs for sets. You can choose between the new method which shows songs that have already been picked, but allow other songs to be added more than once and inserted after the currently selected song. The original method places checkmarks next to previously picked songs and adds new songs to the end of the set.
  • Show Numbers determines if song number or sort order is displayed to the left of the song title.
OnSong 2024 — Last Updated on October 18, 2021