User Manual
Output Options

The output options tab defines what is outputted on the printout. It has the following options:
Here you determine how many songs are to be printed. If you have a set selected in OnSong, the set is automatically selected to be printed. If you have selected a single song from your library, then only that song will be selected. You can also print an entire book.
- Song displays the current song title. When it is selected, it will either 1) output the song's chord chart or 2) place the single song in your song list (which isn't too useful). This is selected by default when you have chosen to print chord charts and a single song is selected.
- Set displays the current set title. When selected, it will output every song in the currently selected set. If you are outputting a song list, then the songs in that set are outputted in the list in the order they appear in the set. This option is selected when you are viewing a set in OnSong.
- Book will output every song in the book. This option is selected by default if you have chosen to print a song list and only have one song selected. If you choose the option when printing chord charts, you will receive an alert, since generating many song chord charts to print can take a long time.
Output Options
This section of the menu allows you to toggle two options on and off that affect chord chart printing.
- Lyrics only can be used to omit chords from the print out. This is useful for sing-a-long sheets or if printing lyrics for a vocalist.
- Original key will remove the transposition that was applied to the song, displaying the key in which the song was written.
- Remove capo will remove any capo applied to the song that may further modulate the original or transposed key.
- Song flow determines if the song flow tag should be used to affect printing. If enabled, the song is printed in the arrangement specified by flow attributes.
This section of the menu allows you to toggle certain options on and off for what to include on the page. This changes depending if you are outputting chord charts or a song list.