User Manual


When you select a plan, you can view additional details to be imported such as songs, items, and media.


This section displaying the name and date of the plan including its duration if provided. You can tap on this to view the plan in the Planning Center Online website.


Here is where the items that are listed for the plan are displayed in chronological order including songs, items, and media separated by optional headers. You can press each to toggle the checkmark on and off to determine what is imported.

Keep sets and songs in library

The switch at the bottom determines if the songs and the created set are kept permanently in the OnSong library. If disabled, songs and sets are marked as loaned and will be removed after they expire.

Item Types

You can use the control at the bottom to toggle various types of plan items on and off. This will toggle the checkmark next to all items of that type to determine what is imported.


Once you've selected what parts to share, press the Import button in the upper right corner to being the import process.

When you import plans, all file attachments associated with the items are also importing into your library. You can choose the version of the file you want to view using the Attachments menubar item.

OnSong 2024 — Last Updated on July 14, 2024