User Manual

Use clips to import images and place them on your chord chart or sheet music. This could be anything such as an image of pedal settings or PDF score notation.
Tapping on the clip option in the annotations menu will open the clip edit and prompt you to import and image to begin.
Double tap on the clip to open the Clip Editor. You can also tap on a note to select it, and then tap on the edit button in the lower right to edit as well. On the lower right corner is a trash can icon. Tapping on this when the note is selected will delete the note from the page.
Once the clip is added to the page, you can tap to select the clip and then tap again to drag it. You can also use two fingers to tap and drag as well as rotate and scale.
Note: Clips are positioned relative to the size of the page. This means that if you add significant amounts of text to the song, or use Flow to arrange the song to be longer, the clip will likely shift position to accommodate for this change in height.