User Manual
Tap Settings

The tap feature of OnSong will send a MIDI event every time a quarter note is performed according to the tempo set on each song. On some MIDI equipment, this can be used to set the tempo instead of using MIDI clock which sends 24 MIDI events per quarter note, or sending the BPM as Control Changes.
To configure OnSong to send a MIDI event for each tap, choose a channel. By default, tap is disabled. You can enable it by choosing On all channels or a specific channel.
Tap on the wrench icon to set the MIDI commands to send for the tap. This will open the Tap MIDI Commands screen where you can type in a MIDI command using OnSong's MIDI syntax. The default value is to send a value of 127 on Control Change #105. You can change this value here, or use commas to specify multiple values.