User Manual

You can perform a number of actions on a chord diagram. Tapping on the action menu in the upper right corner lets you choose from the following list of actions:
Delete Variation
Deletes the selected chord variation. This operation cannot be undone.
Edit Variation
Opens the Chord Variation Editor to allow frets and fingerings to be adjusted.
Set Default
Moves the selected chord diagram to the front of the list. This will cause the chord variation to be used first when no preferred chord variation has been selected.
Play Chord
Plays the chord using an optional soundbank to hear how it would sound on the instrument. Soundbanks are an in-app purchase of $0.99 USD and can be purchased using the Add-Ons Screen.
Exports one or more chord diagrams to a file. This file can be imported into another OnSong library to add those chord diagrams.