User Manual

Once you select a song in the catalog or your library, you can view its details. This screen shows you the following information:
Album Artwork
One great way to identify that you're using the right song is visually through the beautiful album artwork that is predominantly located at the top of the screen.
Chord Charts
Chord charts work great in OnSong so the first section contains downloads that most users will want. Tap on Chords & Lyrics product to download a ChordPro version of the song that gives you all the features of OnSong like chord detection and lyrics projection. You can also generate various versions of the chord chart as PDF files here. If you've already previously purchased the chart, you'll see it is marked as Import so you can tap to choose what you'd like to import. Stage charts just contain the chords of the song and are available to add to your library for free.
Sheet Music
PraiseCharts is known for their extensive catalog of sheet music that includes music for all types of vocal and instrumentation use. In addition, if you've purchase diamond credits, you can also download full orchestration. Choose the product to acquire with credits and add it to your library and then be shown products you can import. Prices appear in credits when you're signed in and have purchased credits through the PraiseCharts website. You'll notice that the number of credits you have remaining appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
You can only acquire orchestration products by redeeming diamond credits.
Browsing Product Packs
You can also redeem credits for product packs in PraiseCharts. This includes multiple types of products bundled together and will appear with Browse text to find which product you'd like to import. This prevents all the content of the song from being imported, preventing your library from being too cluttered.
Other Resources
If you scroll down, you'll notice even more resources including audio tracks and patches. OnSong allows you to add any of these products to your PraiseCharts library through the same credit process, but you may not be able to use the product directly within OnSong. You'll be prompted that if you do download a product that is not supported, you can open the file into another app, or save it to Files to retrieve elsewhere such as on another computer through AirDrop.
Preview Song
You can tap on the preview song button at the bottom to open a screen. This lets you review the lyrics as well as listen to a 90 second version of the audio track to confirm you are downloading the correct version of the song.
Share Menu
Tap on the icon in the lower-right corner of the screen to share this song arrangement with your team through the PraiseCharts website.