User Manual

Viewports let you focus on a specific part of the document when the song is loaded, or you can create additional viewports. To make a viewport, use the song viewer scroll and zoom to an area of your chord chart or sheet music. You can then access this menu in the additional menu to set the default viewport, or create a new one.
Add Viewport
Previous versions of OnSong could only have a single viewport that was used when the song was loaded. Now you can add more than one by tapping on the + button. This will save the current viewport of the song viewer as a new viewport in the list.
List Viewports
The main area of the menu displays the default viewport as well as any additional viewports you've created. This shows the name of the viewport along with the position, scale and selected section. You can tap on a viewport to navigate to it in the song viewer.
Edit Viewport
You can tap and hold on a viewport in the list to perform various actions. For instance, you can create a new one and mark it as the primary viewport to be loaded when you view the song.
Reset Viewport
Tap on the button on the bottom to select the default viewport and set it as primary.