User Manual

The songs tab in the audio media library shows all songs contained in your library. Songs are indexed alphabetically by track name.
The songs list provides details about the audio track including:
- Song Title is the title of the track as derived from the ID3 tag, or file name if no ID3 tag is available.
- Artist is the artist who performed the track as derived from the ID3 tag.
- Album is the name of the album on which the track appeared as derived from the ID3 tag.
- Links displays the number of times the track has been linked to songs in your library. If there is a link, you can tap on it to display a list of linked songs.
- File Type displays the extension of the track file type. If this displays underlined, it can be selected to Reduce File Size.
- Duration is displayed for the track in MM:SS format.
Picking Tracks
You can choose a song to link to a chord chart by tapping on it in the list. This will close the audio media library screen and return you to the audio picker menu.
Managing Tracks
You can delete and edit tracks by swiping from right to left over the audio track. This will reveal an Edit button to make changes to the track using the Track Editor screen. The Delete button will delete the audio track from your library.
Editing Mode
Tapping on the Select button will place the media items into editing mode allowing you to select one or more media items to be exported or deleted.