User Manual
Foot Pedals

The foot pedals setting screen allow you to perform many of the functions of the Foot Pedal Triggers Tab without the graphical user interface. Options include:
In this section, you can choose actions for each pedal. Keep in mind that on some pedal models with two foot switches that this would be pedals 1 and 3.
Scrolling Behavior
Change the way scrolling occurs in OnSong such as the type, amount and speed of scroll settings.
Section Navigation
When lyrics projection is enabled in conjunction with foot pedals, OnSong will automatically switch to the Jump To Section scroll behavior to allow for controlling lyrics. You can disable this by toggling this option off.
Set Navigation
Scroll up and scroll down actions will normally go to the previous or next song in the set once the top or bottom of the chord chart is reached. To avoid allowing OnSong to navigate the songs in the set with the foot pedals, turn this option off. This will require you to swipe or tap the screen, or use another action to navigate through your set.
Show Bumpers
Bumpers are notification that appear if the next pedal press will navigate to the next or previous song in the set or collection. Use this option to disable bumpers or change the amount of time they appear. Options include:
- Off disables bumpers, immediately going to the next or previous song when the end of the song is reached.
- For 1-5 seconds to show the bumper and then hide it after a set amount of time.
- Indefinitely to display the bumper until another foot pedal press is performed.
Forward Pedal Trigger
The forward pedal trigger is an action to take the first time the Scroll Down foot pedal is pressed. This allows one foot pedal to have multiple uses. After the action is triggered, the pedal returns to its normal scroll down action. Options include:
- None performs no action and scrolls down on the first press. Default.
- Audio starts the audio track playback.
- Autoscroll begins autoscrolling the chord chart. Note that you can also set an autoscroll trigger to perform more than one action at a time like starlings audio and autoscroll simultaneously.
- Metronome toggles the metronome.
Start Set Trigger
When using foot pedals to navigate to the start of the set, you can have an action performed when the scroll up pedal is pressed at the beginning of the set. Options include:
- None performs no action. Default.
- Show Songs List will display the songs menu to pick a different list or song.
- Previous Set will load the previous set in the currently selected list of sets. For instance, if you choose a set folder in a particular order, then the set preceding the current set will be loaded.
Finish Set Trigger
When using foot pedals to navigate to the end of the set, you can have an action performed when the scroll down pedal is pressed when on the last song of the set. Options include:
- None performs no action. Default.
- Show Songs List will display the songs menu to pick a different list or song.
- Next Set will load the next set in the currently selected list of sets. For instance, if you choose a set folder in a particular order, then the set succeeding the current set will be loaded.
Pedal Setup
When using the Foot Pedal Setup Screen, a graphical representation of the pedal model is used. However, you can set up other pedals using this screen.
Show Icon in Menubar
This option will show the Foot Pedal Setup icon in the Menubar. Turn this off to remove the icon form the menubar. Default is on.