User Manual

Enharmonic represents how sharps and flats are applied during transposition. By default, OnSong uses the enharmonic preference of the key that is being transposed into. The following preference can adjust how this is treated:
Enharmonic Preference
When a song is transposed into a specific key, the enharmonic preference of that key is used for all the transposed chords. This works except in the key of C where there are typically no sharps or flats. By default, OnSong will us a flat symbol for any half step accidentals in the key of C. You can alter this behavior to:
- Default allows OnSong to determine the best enharmonic preference to use for each key. Default.
- Flat uses the flat symbol when required in a key where the enharmonic preference is unknown.
- Sharp uses the sharp symbol when required in a key where the enharmonic preference is unknown.
Force Enharmonic Preference
When this setting is enabled, the enharmonic preference is used regardless of the transposed key's enharmonic preference. For instance, if you transpose into the key of D, but have this enabled and the enharmonic preference se to flat, then F# will be outputted as Gb.
Format Musical Symbols
By default, OnSong outputs sharps and flats as # and b respectively. You can change this to the following:
- Off will not reformat any symbols keeping text or symbols as encountered. Default.
- Text converts any sharp or flat symbols to the plain text version like "#" or "b".
- Symbol converts any plain text version of sharp or flat to symbols like "♯" or "â™".
- Localized changes sharp and flat symbols to language specific variations. For instance in German, this will convert G# to Gis and Gb to Ges.
Use Natural Notes
Some musical keys may contain sharps or flats that are not standard such as B#, E#, Fb and Cb. This setting will standardize these notes into one's that are more desirable. You can change this to the following:
- Off will not convert any note and will use the proper enharmonic preference available in the key.
- On will replace non-standard notes like double sharps, double flats, and B#, Cb, E#, or Fb with natural notes.
- Guitar will replace enharmonic notes into ones that are more friendly to guitarists. This will also replace non-standard notes (see above), but additional make the following replacements: Db to C#, D# to Eb, Gb to F#, Ab to G#, A# to Bb.