User Manual
Song Formatting

Song formatting setting effect the overall drawing of songs. The following preferences provide a number of options for users depending on their locale or playing preference.
The following sections are used to adjust various aspects of song formatting.
OnSong can be used to manage when a capo should be applied. How that is treated on the display changes depending on user preferences.
Chords are handled differently depending on your visual and language preferences. This section allows you to adjust how chords are rendered on the page.
Chord Diagrams
Chord diagrams are used to help you learn or remember how to play chord formations on your instrument.
Change the way ChordPro syntax is outputted.
OnSong can recognize chorus sections of your song and render them differently. Change the formatting of chorus sections here.
Enharmonic preferences are used to determine how OnSong handles sharps or flats.
Footers appear at the bottom of the page and include copyright and licensing information. This configures an additional footer.
Musical instructions are denoted in OnSong with a line of text surrounded by parenthesis.
Monospaced content is sometimes displayed in your song such as tablature. You can adjust how that appears using settings in this section.
Page Layout
OnSong renders your chord charts on the screen using metrics similar to printing on a physical page. You can adjust the size and orientation of the virtual paper here. This is also used as default settings for printing.
Spacing of chords and other components is important. This section provides configuration to help manage spaces in your document.
Chord charts are rendered with black text on a white background. You can also change this to white text on a black background using Low Light Mode. You can tint these colors using these settings.