User Manual
Compact Mode

When using OnSong on iPhone, iPod Touch, or when running OnSong in a split screen, the song editor is altered displaying less menubar buttons while offering the same functionality. The menubar contains:
Done Button
Tapping on the done button will prompt you to save any changes you have made. You can choose to save or discard those changes. This is different from the iPad version which has both a Done and Cancel button.
Undo Button
The undo button will undo the last action that was recorded in the Text Editor undo history.
Redo Button
Counter to the undo button is the redo button which adds actions performed in the Text Editor back after being undone.
Action Menu
All other functions of editing the song are moved into the action menu which can be accessed by tapping on the button to the far right of the menubar.
Conversion Toolbar
The conversion toolbar that is shown at the bottom of the editor on the iPad version is omitted from the compact version due to already limited screen real estate. It's function is replicated in the Action Menu.