The Sound of Your Name

Not Finished Yet

Not Finished Yet
Jason Squires
Key: Bb
Book: The Sound of Your Name
Number: 6
CCLI: #7042376

Verse 1:
As long as I breathe
As long as I run
Gm                                  Eb
As long as I see the setting and rising of the sun
As long as I dance
As long as I cry
Gm                        Eb
As long as I live until the day that I die

Bb                F
You are not finished with me yet
Gm                               F
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Gm       F   Eb
I will live for you

Verse 2:
I will go where you say
I will do what you ask
Even if the road before me is a difficult task I believe you are here
I believe in your story
Even if I question the journey before me

The painting is started
The clay must be molded
Cm            F
Do your work in me

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