
User Manual

Remote Sets

Remote sets are set lists that you have created in a remote repository such as Rockin' With The Cross or ChordVault. The service that appears in this screen is different depending on what service you have selected in the Remote Songs section under the Utilities Menu » Settings » Menu Settings » Songs.

Searching Sets

You can enter text into the search bar to filter sets by the name.

Viewing Sets

You can view remote sets by tapping on them like any other set. This will allow you to view the set without adding it to your library.

Downloading Sets

You can tap on the cloud download icon on the right to download the set and its songs into your OnSong library. This will allow you to play the set on the device without requiring an Internet connection.

Account Information

You can tap on the key icon in the upper right corner to view information about your current account status.

Sorting and adding sets is not supported in this view and toolbar buttons have been disabled.

OnSong 2023 — Last Updated on December 15, 2017