Beta Team

Be part of building the future

For every musician, there's a different way to make music. That's why we listen to our users and are constantly working to improve our offering. We value your input so we can make something more valuable.

But making a great app takes a lot of work. Even without any changes, we would need to release updates just to keep up with new versions of iOS and iPadOS. Every change that is made has the potential to cause problems. With over 400,000 lines of code, and an active release schedule, something is bound to go wrong. That's where you come in!

Joining the beta team gives you access to advance versions of OnSong through Apple's TestFlight program. This program allows us to distribute versions of OnSong to all your compatible devices that can be reviewed for up to 90 days. Once you've installed the beta version, your library should be immediately available. If not, you can transfer your library and start testing OnSong with your charts and music. This helps us by providing real-life test coverage on all the ways that working musicians use OnSong. The more people who test, the faster and more likely the chance of finding issues before they get released "in the wild".

Finding bugs and helping us reproduce them is what makes sure they get resolved for each new release. If you find a bug, help us replicate and confirm it's been fixed, you will receive a $25 bug bounty for each new bug that's discovered! We are both proud and slightly embarrassed to say we've paid out thousands of dollars. We want give you an even greater reason to help us make OnSong the best app for musicians.